From Many Lands: Multicultural Education

Dr. Barron has traveled extensively and collects dolls in native costume whenever possible. Her office now displays over 300 miniatures from all over the world. You can view the educational website called From Many Lands: Multicultural Education through Miniatures, read a Press Release, or see a gallery of her dolls in high resolution at the Ann E. Barron Multicultural Miniatures Collection.

This international doll collection highlights the culture of hundreds of handcrafted miniatures from around the world. Each multicultural figure was selected to depict the culture of the native country; most of the dolls are hand made by local artisans. Students and teachers throughout the world are welcome to use this site for school reports, cultural activities, education and diversity projects. Cultural games and activities are also available for online, interactive learning.

From Many Lands Website

From Many Lands includes photos, stories, maps, flags and games of handmade marionettes and dolls. Learn about global culture by selecting from the List of Stories and Countries or via the Map, Gallery and Games/Activities links. This website provides free educational resources for teachers and students.